The To Love Ru and To Love Ru Darkness manga series are by Saki Hasemi and Kentaro Yabuki. The harem comedy follows high school student Rito Yuki, who finds alien princess Lala in his bathtub one day. Rito finds himself engaged to the princess in a comedy of errors involving rival suitors, interstellar politics and high school hijinks. The sequel To Love Ru Darkness introduces Lala’s younger sister Momo to the mix. Momo wants Rito to be King, so he can marry as many women as he wants (including her). To Love Ru will be released in tow-in-one omnibus edition, with Vol. 1 releasing on October 24. MSRP is $19.99. To Love Ru Darkness will launch as single edition volumes, on October 31. MSRP is $12.99.
The Yokai Girls manga series is written and drawn by Kazuki Funatsu. The monster girl action-comedy stars Nishizuru Yakki, a typical young man who can see yokai spirits. He tries to ignore them, but then Rokka crosses his path, and now he’s suddenly the defender of a group of sexy supernatural girls. Vol.1 will release on November 7. MSRP is $12.99.
Nirvana is a magical adventure manga series by Jin and Sayuki (ZOWLS). Yachiyo Hitotose was on a trip to serve as a relief volunteer, but her plane crashes, and she finds herself in a magical world where people treat her as a goddess, sent to save the world from a horrible evil. The first volume will launch on August 8. MSRP is $12.99.
In This Corner of the World by Fumiyo Kouno is a manga series that inspired a recent animated drama, which will be released in U.S. theaters by Shout! Factory in late 2017. The historical drama follows Suzu, a young bride in the 1940s, who moves with her husband to a Japanese naval base in Kure. She perseveres through many hardships as WWII engulfs the country. The manga trilogy will be released in a single omnibus edition releasing in Fall 2017. MSRP is $24.99.
Yokai Rental Shop is a supernatural manga series by Shin Mashiba (Nightmare Inspector). Hiiragi learns he has a half-brother who owns a rare pet shop. What’s stranger, customers can rent yokai creatures to perform supernatural deeds. Volume 1 will release on October 24. MSRP is $12.99.
Anti-Magic Academy: The 35th Test Platoon manga omnibus series is a magic and military drama by Touki Yanagimi and Youhei Yasumura. The Anti-Magic Academy trains soldiers to fight evil witches, but not everyone is qualified. Those that don’t measure up are exiled to the 35th Test Platoon. The seires is collected in a single omnibus that releases on November 7. MSRP is $19.99.
Yoshikazu Takeuchi’s first Perfect Blue novel was the inspiration for Satoshi Kon’s 1997 anime thriller of the same name. Seven Seas will release Yoshikazu’s two Perfect Blue novels: Perfect Blue: Metamorphosis and Perfect Blue: Awaken from a Dream as single volume editions for the first time in North America. Metamorphosis will release on December 12 ($14.99) and Awaken from a Dream will release on April 24, 2018 ($14.99).
The Monster Girl Doctor light novel series, written by Oriko Yoshino, with art by Z-ton (Monster Musume: I Heart Monster Girls), will launch on December 19. MSRP is $14.99. Dr. Glenn runs a medical clinic for monster girls in a town where monsters and humans coexist. He has no problem treating their unique ailments, but when someone steals a harpy egg, everything changes.
See Japanese covers and teaser images in gallery below.