Titan Comics will kick off an eight-book Doctor Who crossover spanning four series on August 30 with the first two books in the Doctor Who: The Lost Dimension storyline: Doctor Who: The Lost Dimension Alpha and a Ninth Doctor Special. The storyline will be span eight chapters over three months, crossing over all four ongoing Doctor Who series from Titan Comics (Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Doctor).
The first two books in the editorial event will lead into Doctor Who Comics Day that weekend, on Saturday, September 2, 2017. Doctor Who Comics Day was in the summer last year (see "Summer 'Doctor Who' Crossover Has Four Doctors").
The Alpha issue will be designed as an easy jumping-on point, with story by George Mann and Cavan Scott, and art by Rachael Stott and Rod Fernandes. Covers (in the Gallery below) will include an embossed foil Tardis cover, a photo cover yb Will Brooks, and a multi-doctor mash-up by Rahcael stott and Luis Guerrero.
Covers for Doctor Who: The Lost Dimension – Ninth Doctor Special will be by Adriana Melo and Will Brooks.
Click Gallery below for five covers from the first two books in this new Doctor Who arc!
'Doctor Who: The Lost Dimension'
Posted by Milton Griepp on June 7, 2017 @ 2:16 am CT