An ICv2 Release. ICv2 has launched a new version of its ICv2 Daily Insider, the daily email newsletter that brings the headlines from the business of geek culture to its subscribers. The new design has a number of benefits, including larger images and a more mobile-friendly structure.
"This new look is a complete modernization of both the newsletter itself and the way we produce it," ICv2 CEO Milton Griepp said of the change. "We’re in visual businesses, and offering bigger images along with our headlines and article descriptions provides more information quickly to our readers, a key benefit."
Also among the changes is a shift to a time-based sequence for the articles (i.e., most recent on the top, down to oldest on the bottom) from the curated approach used in the past. "We find that many of our readers use both the newsletter and the website," ICv2 CEO Milton Griepp explained. "Matching the sequence of articles between the newsletter and our home page helps our Daily Insider readers quickly find the content they haven’t seen before."
Readers can subscribe to the ICv2 Daily Insider by clicking here.

The Daily Newspaper of the Business of Geek Culture
Posted by ICv2 on July 17, 2017 @ 5:42 am CT