Just ahead of San Diego Comic-Con, Marvel Entertainment has announced an exclusive agreement with writer Donny Cates. The writer will take over scripting duties on Doctor Strange in November.
Cates has done work for Image (God Country, Redneck), Dark Horse (The Paybacks, Ghost Fleet), IDW (Star Trek), Heavy Metal (Interceptor) and Valiant (Archer & Armstrong, Unity). Now he will join artist Gabriel Hernandez Walta (Magneto, Vision) as the new creative team on Doctor Strange. The story will introduce a new Sorcerer Supreme – Loki. The Norse god of Mischief has taken the mantle from Stephen Strange, and he won’t give it back willingly.
"Donny brings big ideas to the table, and that's going to be immediately apparent in his first projects," said Marvel Editor in Chief, Axel Alonso. "We expect him to be a major contributor to the Marvel Universe's evolution in the coming year...and beyond."

Writer Will Take Over on 'Doctor Strange'
Posted by Nicole Bunge on July 18, 2017 @ 5:01 pm CT