San Diego Comic-Con News: DC CCO Geoff Johns revealed more details about the Doomsday Clock crossover event that mixes heroes from the regular DCU with the Watchmen characters created by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons and showed off six panels of interior art by Gary Frank. The first issue of the 12-issue Doomsday Clock miniseries, which Johns is writing and Gary Frank is drawing, and which was announced last May (see “Watchmen Start the Doomsday Clock), debuts on November 22. The series will then run monthly with planned breaks in March and August.
At the SDCC Johns confirmed that Doctor Manhattan would play a role in the Doomsday Clock saga, which, Johns also noted, would be “Superman centric,” and which will be set one year in the future from the current DC continuity. The timelines will link up at the conclusion of the series where readers will see characters that have been affected by the events in the Doomsday Clock series.
To see the rest of Gary Frank’s art that was revealed at Comic-Con, check out the Gallery below.

12-Issue Crossover By Geoff Johns Debuts on November 22
Posted by ICv2 on July 21, 2017 @ 1:53 pm CT