The Valiant Universe's deadliest international operator returns to the shadow-draped world of Britain's secret service… only to find himself in the crosshairs of a plot with tendrils stretching back decades to the formation of the Ninja Programme itself! A precise jumping-on point revealing the classified history of the black-budget spy network that trained Colin King and his predecessors… and leading Ninjak on a manhunt through a cold, calculating world of espionage and international intrigue in search of a killer targeting all ninja agents – past and present.
For nearly a century, MI-6, the most elite branch of Britain’s clandestine intelligence service, has honed a ruthlessly effective, top-secret division – THE NINJA PROGRAMME – into one of its nation’s most finely wielded weapons. Tasked as the first and last line of defense for queen and country, this small shadow army of agents and assassins has produced a succession of notable assets, including NINJA-A, the Queen's silent weapon of World War I; NINJA-E, the globe-trotting secret agent that pulled the Cold War back from the brink of Armageddon; and, most recently, NINJA-K, aka Colin King, a brash but fearless instrument of lethality that has saved the world from madmen and terror at every turn. But now… an unknown enemy is hunting and killing members of THE NINJA PROGRAMME one by one – and NINJAK is next on the list.
Ninja-K #1
Release Date: November 15, 2017
Cover Price: $3.99
Writer: Christos Gage
Artist: Tomas Giorello
Cover(s): Trevor Harisine (A), Lucas Troya (B)
Variant covers: Interlocking Variant by Kenneth Rocafort; Ninjak Icon Variant by David Mack; Brushed Metal Variant by Mico Suayan.
Format: 48 pgs., Full-Color
Rating: Teen+
Ninja-K #1-4 Pre-Order Edition Bundle
Release Date: November 15, 2017
Cover Price: $15.96 (4 issues)
Writer: Christos Gage
Artist: Tomas Giorello
Cover: Tonci Zonjic
Format: 48 pgs. (#1), 40 pgs. (#2-4), Full-Color
Rating: Teen+
Description of preview: 9 total pages (5 covers and 4 interior pages).

From Valiant Entertainment
Posted by ICv2 on August 18, 2017 @ 5:31 am CT