QtyRank | Index | Title | Price | Ven | Est.Qty | |
1 | 7.1 | CHRONICLES O/CONAN VOL 1 TP | $15.95 | DAR | 7,642 | |
2 | 6.84 | SANDMAN ENDLESS NIGHTS HC | $24.95 | DC | 7,362 | |
3 | 6.52 | ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN VOL 7 IRRESPONSIBLE TP | $12.99 | MAR | 7,018 | |
4 | 6.4 | TRIGUN VOL 1 TP | $14.95 | DAR | 6,889 | |
5 | 5.15 | CRISIS O/MULTIPLE EARTHS VOL 2 TP | $14.95 | DC | 5,543 | |
6 | 5.09 | ESSENTIAL TOMB O/DRACULA VOL 1 TP | $14.99 | MAR | 5,479 | |
7 | 4.44 | NEW X-MEN VOL 5 ASSAULT O/WEAPON PLUS TP | $14.99 | MAR | 4,779 | |
9 | 4.04 | BERSERK VOL 1 BLACK SWORDSMAN TP (MR) | $13.95 | DAR | 4,349 | |
10 | 3.94 | GENESIS ART O/TRANSFORMERS HC | $29.95 | IMA | 4,241 | |
11 | 3.93 | CHOBITS VOL 8 GN | $9.99 | TKP | 4,230 | |
12 | 3.63 | SANDMAN PRESENTS TALLER TALES TP | $19.95 | DC | 3,907 | |
13 | 3.6 | LIFE EATERS HC | $29.95 | DC | 3,875 | |
14 | 3.44 | DAREDEVIL VOL 7 HARDCORE TP | $13.99 | MAR | 3,703 | |
15 | 3.36 | HELLBLAZER RAKE A/T GATES O/HELL TP | $19.95 | DC | 3,617 | |
16 | 3.33 | X-TREME X-MEN VOL 5 GOD LOVES MAN KILLS TP | $19.99 | MAR | 3,584 | |
17 | 3.24 | DONALD DUCK ADVS VOL 2 TP | $7.95 | GEM | 3,487 | |
18 | 3.17 | ANIMAL MAN VOL 3 DEUS EX MACHINA TP | $19.95 | DC | 3,412 | |
19 | 3.07 | BATMAN/SUPERMAN WORLDS FINEST TP | $19.95 | DC | 3,304 | |
20 | 3.01 | FANTASTIC FOUR VOL 2 UNTHINKABLE TP | $17.99 | MAR | 3,240 | |
21 | 3.01 | BATMAN TERROR TP | $12.95 | DC | 3,240 | |
22 | 2.86 | SUPERMAN MAN O/STEEL VOL 2 TP | $19.95 | DC | 3,078 | |
23 | 2.83 | HERO POWERS & ABILITIES TP | $9.95 | DC | 3,046 | |
24 | 2.82 | RANMA 1/2 VOL 24 TP | $9.95 | VIZ | 3,035 | |
25 | 2.8 | INCREDIBLE HULK VOL 5 HIDE I/PLAIN SIGHT TP | $11.99 | MAR | 3,014 | |
26 | 2.69 | INU YASHA VOL 15 TP | $8.95 | VIZ | 2,895 | |
27 | 2.66 | BATMAN ABSOLUTION SC | $17.95 | DC | 2,863 | |
28 | 2.52 | SUPERMAN MAN O/STEEL VOL 1 TP | $9.95 | DC | 2,712 | |
29 | 2.5 | GIANT THB VOL 2 #1 | $6.95 | HOR | 2,691 | |
30 | 2.42 | BATTLE ANGEL ALITA LAST ORDER VOL 2 TP | $9.95 | VIZ | 2,605 | |
31 | 2.38 | SGT ROCK ARCHIVES VOL 2 HC | $49.95 | DC | 2,562 | |
32 | 2.27 | MORE FUND COMICS GN | $10.00 | SKY | 2,443 | |
33 | 2.25 | ALL STAR COMICS ARCHIVES VOL 9 HC | $49.95 | DC | 2,422 | |
34 | 2.15 | LOEG BOOK ONE TP | $14.95 | DC | 2,314 | |
35 | 2.08 | DEATH AT DEATHS DOOR SC | $9.95 | DC | 2,239 | |
36 | 2.06 | CAPTAIN AMERICA VOL 3 ICE TP | $12.99 | MAR | 2,217 | |
37 | 2.05 | ATOM ARCHIVES VOL 2 HC | $49.95 | DC | 2,207 | |
38 | 1.94 | ASTRO BOY VOL 19 TP | $9.95 | DAR | 2,088 | |
39 | 1.85 | FULL METAL PANIC MANGA VOL 1 TP | $9.99 | ADV | 1,991 | |
40 | 1.8 | STRAY TOASTERS TP (RES) | $19.95 | GRA | 1,937 | |
41 | 1.7 | NEXTWORLD VOL 1 TP | $13.95 | DAR | 1,830 | |
42 | 1.68 | WILL EISNER FAGIN THE JEW GN | $15.95 | RAN | 1,808 | |
43 | 1.66 | ALL NEW TENCHI MUYO VOL 3 DARK WASHU TP | $8.95 | VIZ | 1,787 | |
44 | 1.64 | FUSHIGI YUGI VOL 9 LOVER TP | $9.95 | VIZ | 1,765 | |
45 | 1.63 | 21 DOWN TP | $19.95 | DC | 1,754 | |
46 | 1.61 | QUEEN & COUNTRY VOL 4 OPERATION BLACKWALL TP | $8.95 | ONI | 1,733 | |
47 | 1.59 | BLUE MONDAY VOL 3 INBETWEEN DAYS TP | $9.95 | ONI | 1,711 | |
48 | 1.54 | MAC RABOY FLASH GORDON VOL 2 TP | $19.95 | DAR | 1,658 | |
49 | 1.54 | RAGNAROK VOL 8 GN | $9.99 | TKP | 1,658 | |
50 | 1.52 | EXCEL SAGA VOL 3 TP | $9.95 | VIZ | 1,636 |
Notes on this chart:
Some titles have been truncated or abbreviated for space reasons.
Publisher abbreviations have also been used.
MAR = Marvel
DAR = Dark Horse
DRE = Dreamwave
IMA = Image
TIT = Titan Publishing
CAR = Cartoon Books
HAR = Harris
CRO = CrossGen
BON = Bongo
TKP = Tokyo Pop
These estimates are based on ICv2 estimates of comic sales by Diamond North America during October, 2003. They do not include sales made by Diamond UK, orders on these titles placed after the end of October, or copies purchased by Diamond but held in inventory at the end of October.
Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, CrossGen, and Image distribute 100% of their comic store orders through Diamond. Some other publishers distribute directly to stores or through other distributors and as a result this analysis may underestimate their sales.
Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Image, and CrossGen distribute some of their titles through channels other than comic specialty stores, e.g., newsstands and bookstores. These quantity estimates do not reflect distribution through those channels.
Most of the titles on this chart are also distributed to Europe by Diamond UK, which can account for significant sales for the publisher, ranging from 3-20% of the US numbers. Sales by Diamond UK are not included in the numbers above.
One other factor to consider is that sales through Diamond and other comic distributors are non-returnable to retailers. That means that there is a considerable unknown percentage of books unsold at the retailer level, probably amounting to 5-20% of sales.
For the top 300 comic actual orders in September, see 'Top 300 Comics Actual--September 2003.'
For an overview and analsysis of the actual September orders and an explanation of the transition to our new reporting, see 'Hush Finale Tops the Charts' and 'ICv2 Kicks Off New Top 300 Reporting.'
For links to all previous Top 300 Comic and Top 50 Graphic Novel articles (going back over three years, including preorder analysis through March 2003 and actual order analysis beginning March 2003) see: 'ICv2's Top 300 Comics and Top 50 GNs Index.'