An official ICv2 Release.  ICv2 owner Milton Griepp today announced that that the company was welcoming its first sponsor -- the Topps Company -- which is sponsoring ICv2 on behalf of its Planet of the Apes Cards, due for release in July.  Griepp said that the sponsorship was the first result of the company's recently launched ad sales effort (see 'ICv2 Launches Ad Sales'), and was indicative of more to come.  'We're happy that Topps stepped up to take our first sponsorship,' said Griepp.  'We're working hard to make sure they get maximum value and urge our visitors to support Topps and our other sponsors as they appear.'    


Rather than randomly assorted banner ads, ICv2 is pursuing a sponsorship model, in which individual companies will sponsor all advertising on the site for varying periods of time.  According to Griepp, sponsorships have been shown to be a more effective ad model on the Web.  'One thing we can offer that no offline venue can is exclusivity -- the ability to be the only advertiser that retailers see for a period of time,' said Griepp, 'and that means greater opportunities to communicate with our large and growing retailer audience.'