In the vein of Nancy Drew and Veronica Mars, Goldie Vance is a teenage sleuth who is determined to become the in-house detective for the hotel that her father manages. The series was Larson’s first foray into writing serialized comics (see “ICv2 Interview: BOOM!'s Filip Sablik”).
'Parks and Rec' Alum to Adapt and Direct
Posted by Betsy Gomez on December 1, 2017 @ 2:30 pm CT
Fox is making a movie based on Hope Larson and Brittney Williams’ Goldie Vance. Rashida Jones (Parks and Recreation) will adapt and direct the family-friendly film based on the BOOM! Studios release. Kerry Washington (Scandal) is producing under the banner of Simpson Street. BOOM!’s Ross Richie and Stephen Christy will produce, and Adam Yoelin will co-produce.