Set 30 years after the original RoboCop film, the series finds that public services and the government have been taken over by private corporations. Traditional police forces no longer exist, and private citizens are encouraged to spy on their neighbors. The only true authority left on the streets is RoboCop.
The RoboCop franchise kicked off in 1987 with the release of Paul Verhoeven’s cult favorite action film. It has spawned two film sequels, TV series, games, toys, comics, and a 2014 film remake (see “First Trailer for 'Robocop'”). BOOM! acquired the comics license for RoboCop in 2013 (see "BOOM! Gets 'Robocop'"). Among their first releases under the franchise banner was a series based on Frank Miller’s original script for RoboCop 3 (see, "BOOM!'s 'Robocop' Based on Miller's Script").
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