Just following the announcement of what writer Brian Michael Bendis will be scripting for DC Comics this year(see “Multitude of Brian Michael Bendis Titles Revealed by DC”), DC unveiled its new spotlight comic book DC Nation.
DC Nation #0 will launch on May 2, with a cover price of $0.25. The first issue will include stories by Scott Snyder, Tom King and Brian Michael Bendis. Each story previews upcoming events for major characters in the DC Universe.
Bendis’ story will be a prelude for his upcoming Man of Steel weekly miniseries launching on May 30.
King’s story will involve the Joker’s take on the upcoming wedding between Batman and Catwoman, with the main story arc culminating in Batman #50 on July 4.
Snyder’s Justice League: No Justice weekly miniseries will spin out of his current Dark Nights: Metal miniseries. Justice League: No Justice will launch on May 9. The DC Nation story will offer extra material bridging the two series.
DC Nation #0 also gives fans a preview of what the new promotional magazine will be like. The full-sized DC Nation fan magazine will be free, and arrive in comic stores on June 6.

For 'Justice League: No Justice,' 'Batman,' and 'Man of Steel'
Posted by Nicole Bunge on February 1, 2018 @ 4:07 pm CT