The Future Card Buddyfight animated series will feature a new tournament, the GGG Cup, in episodes airing in April. Cards that the characters use will be included in this booster pack, as well as trump cards used in the final stages of the last arc of the show. Legendary Monsters will appear in this release.
The set includes 85 types of cards, including SP: 3, SECRET: 10, RRR: 8, RR: 12, R: 18, U: 14, C: 16, with parallel foil versions of C, U and R cards randomly inserted. Each pack contains 5 cards, and each will include one R or above rarity card. Each display will include one SECRET pack. Each display includes 30 packs, and each carton includes 16 displays.
This release will follow the Driven to Disorder booster which releases on February 23 (see “'Driven to Disorder' for 'Future Card Buddyfight X'”).