The monthly series will be written by Acker and Blacker, with art by M.J. Erickson. First issue cover is done by Jonathan Case, with a variant by Natacha Bustos. The series will follow Frank and Sadie Doyle, two mediums who are more concerned about going to fashionable parties than solving paranormal crime. One night during a party in a haunted house, the drunken Doyles find themselves in a heap of trouble that’s beyond the beyond. Other characters from the show, including Sparks Nevada – Marshal on Mars, will also reappear in the series.
In addition to the new series, The Thrilling Adventure Hour: A Spirited Romance - Discover Now Edition, a new graphic novel collection of The Thrilling Adventure Hour Presents: Beyond Belief limited series from Image Comics will be released in July exclusively to comic stores. Series artist Phil Ester will draw a new cover for the collection. MSRP is $14.99. In October, a different version of A Spirited Romance, with a different cover and behind the scenes material will release in comic shops and bookstores. MSRP is also $14.99.Originally called The Thrilling Adventure and Supernatural Suspense Hour, the stage show with an old-type radio show conceit, was a performance show starring Acker and Blacker’s Hollywood friends as actors in three non-serialized segments as well as songs and face commercials. In 2010 the sshow shorted its name to Thrilling Adventure Hour and moved to the Largo, a Los Angeles nightclub. In January 2011, the show began podcasting previous performances, and later joined Chris Hardwick’s Nerdist Industries podcasts. A graphic novel collection was released by Archaia in August 2013 and made USA Today writer John Gedder’s Best Graphic Novels of 2013 list (see “'USA Today' Best Graphic Novels of 2013”). The show continued until April 2015.