Alien Toilet Monsters
Publisher: Omnimorphic
Release Date: May 2, 2018
Cover Price: $4.99
Writer(s): Eric Barnett, Carol Zara
Artist: Eric Barnett
Cover(s): Eric Barnett
Format: 36 pgs., Full-Color
Rating: 13+

Alien Toilet Monsters is an 8-issue, critically acclaimed, nihilistic satire that shamelessly probes the underside of humanity. This trippy sci-fi adventure is aimed at teens and immature adults. Poop jokes not included. Available now through Diamond for the first time.

"A peculiar book, dense with weird science fiction... more real than you'd expect from something called, yes, Alien Toilet Monsters." – Warren Ellis

Description of preview: 7 total pages (2 covers and 5 interior pages).