Diamond Comic Distributors has launched a digital version of its monthly mag-a-log, Diamond Previews, beginning with the May issue, the company announced. Delivery will be via iOS or Android app, or on the web through the PREVIEWSworld website. The digital Previews is being offered on the Joomag digital publishing platform.
Monthly issues will be available through the Previews app or PREVIEWSworld website for $3.99. Digital codes will be available through comic stores at a discounted price. Purchasers of the print copy will be given a code (on the Short Order Form inside Previews) for a free copy of the digital version. Purchasers of Previews will also receive digital access to the three company-specific companion pieces: Marvel Previews, DC Previews, and Image Plus.
The digital Previews will include hyperlinks for each product to the product page on the PREVIEWSworld website, providing additional information, previews, and updates.
Diamond is launching the new digital edition by offering free copies of the March and April Previews. The May issue became available Wednesday, April 25, the same day as the print edition.
For Purchase, or Free with Print
Posted by ICv2 on April 26, 2018 @ 5:17 am CT