Marvel's beloved first family have finally returned, and what better way to celebrate the homecoming of the Fantastic Four -- Sue, Reed, Ben and Johnny -- than with a collection of variant covers highlighting the different iterations of the FF? Coming in August, some of the comic industry's most acclaimed creators will present the Fantastic Four through the years, highlighting the team during their many different and memorable eras in Marvel Comics!
Look for Marvel's Return of the Fantastic Four variant covers on these select titles:
1. Amazing Spider-Man #3 by Steve Epting
2. Amazing Spider-Man #4 by Chris Sprouse (Not Final Art)
3. Astonishing X-Men #14 by Adam Kubert
4. Avengers #6 by John Cassaday
5. Captain America #2 by Travis Charest
6. Deadpool #3 by Rob Liefeld
7. Doctor Strange #4 by David Aja
8. Fantastic Four #1 by Mark Brooks
9. Hunt For Wolverine: Dead Ends #1 by Steve McNiven
10. Immortal Hulk #4 by Arthur Adams
11. Marvel 2-In-One #9 by Alan Davis
12. Sentry #3 by Phil Noto
13. The Life of Captain Marvel #2 by Humberto Ramos
14. The Punisher #1 by Salvador Larroca
15. Thor #4 by Bryan Hitch
16. Tony Stark: Iron Man #3 by Adam Hughes
17. Venom #5 by Gerardo Zaffino
18. Weapon H #6 by J. Scott Campbell
19. X-23 #3 by Carlos Pacheco
20. X-Men: Red #7 by David Marquez
Don't miss your chance to collect all 20 variant covers, coming to comic shops this August!
Click on the Gallery below to check out the variant covers!

20 Variant Covers Coming in August
Posted by ICv2 on May 11, 2018 @ 5:32 pm CT