DC Comics is celebrating the 25th anniversary of Batman: Knightfall, the classic showdown between Batman and Bane, with a series of releases throughout the month of September. The volumes include work written by Chuck Dixon, Doug Moench, and Alan Grant and drawn by Graham Nolan, Jim Aparo, Bret Blevins, Norm Breyfogle, Klaus Janson, Barry Kitson, Vince Giarrano, Mike Manley, Jim Balent, and more. All volumes are covered by Kelley Jones.
Batman: Knightfall Vol. 1: The 25th Anniversary Edition pits the Caped Crusader against Bane in a crippling fight. The 280-page trade paperback includes material from Batman #492-497, Detective Comics #659-663, and Batman: Villains Secret Files #1. It will be in stores on September 12 for an MSRP of $19.99.
Batman: Knightfall Vol. 2: The 25th Anniversary Edition collects Detective Comics #664-666, Showcase ‘93 #7-8, Batman #498-500 and Batman: Shadow of the Bat #16-18. The 312-page trade paperback, which finds Bruce Wayne lying broken at the hands of Bane, will be in stores on September 19 for an MSRP of $19.99.
Batman: Knightquest: The Crusade Vol. 1 has Azrael assuming the mantle of the Bat in an ultraviolent crusade against the criminals of Gotham City. The 360-page trade paperback is on sale September 26 for an MSRP of $19.99. It collects Detective Comics #667-670, Robin #1-2, Batman: Shadow of the Bat #19-20, Batman #501-504, and Catwoman #6-7.
Batman: Prelude to Knightfall collects Batman: Vengeance of Bane #1, Batman #484-491, and Detective Comics #654-658. Bane is laying the groundwork for his takeover of Gotham City as Batman takes on Black Mask, Metalhead, and an assassin targeting Commissioner Gordon. The 376-page trade paperback is on sale September 5 for an MSRP of $19.99.

Four Volumes for Classic Batman Vs. Bane Saga
Posted by Betsy Gomez on May 23, 2018 @ 5:26 pm CT