Book Expo is going on as we write this, and publishers are highlighting the graphic novels that are coming in the fall—and beyond. Plus BOOM! Studios finishes out the week by announcing a new original graphic novel, and Hope Larson hints at more to come.
New OGN from BOOM! BOOM! Studios announced a new original graphic novel, The Great Wiz and the Ruckus, to be published in February 2019 in its KaBOOM imprint. The book will be written and drawn by Joey McCormick, a cartoonist and animator who has worked on Adventure Time and other properties. Whitney Cogar is the colorist. I interviewed McCormick at Good Comics for Kids about his experiences and the genesis of the book. Quirk Adds Graphic Novels: Quirk Books, the publisher of comics-adjacent titles such as Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, has added graphic novels to its line, Publishers Weekly reports. This year they will publish four graphic novels, two for adults (Manfried the Man and Giraffes on Horseback Salad) and two fantasy adventure quest books for children, Hocus & Pocus: The Legend of Grimm’s Woods and Knights Club: The Bands of Bravery. Both allow the reader to make choices that affect the story. “Kids’ graphic novels are big, and video games and RPGs [role playing games] are big, and seeing that combination in that comic quest format excited me,” Quirk president and publisher Brett Cohen told PW. More Summer Coming: Hope Larson’s new graphic novel All Summer Long is an early-teen story with strong appeal to fans of Raina Telgemeier’s work; in an interview with the LA Times’ Hero Complex blog, Larson talks about the genesis of the book and reveals that she has planned two more volumes: “There will be another two books that follow [the main character] Bina's musical journey from wanting to start a band, to starting a band, to navigating the music scene,” she said. Book Expo Buzz: The Middle Grade Buzz Panel at Book Expo America included two graphic novels to look out for in the fall: Short and Skinny, by Mark Tatulli (Lio, Desmond Pucket), and Sanity & Tallulah, by Molly Brooks. Publishers Weekly includes brief interviews with both creators in their show roundup. “This is my graphic novel memoir of the summer of 1977, when I was going into eighth grade,” said Tatulli. “I was tired of being bullied, and so, determined to bulk up and get taller, I used mail-order gimmicks from my comic books. But then Star Wars came out and changed my life in a way I never saw coming. I was inspired to create my own version of the movie on paper, and in doing so found my confidence.” The book is due out in October from Little, Brown. Sanity & Tallulah is a story about two girls who live on a space station and keep getting into trouble. It’s Brooks’s first graphic novel, although she first developed the story as a series of minicomics she created together with Andrea Tsurumi. “I envisioned Sanity and Tallulah as a kind of Nancy Drew/Star Trek/buddy-cop mashup: close friends who banter and bicker and work together to find clever solutions to problems—some of which they’ve caused themselves,” she told PW. The book, which is the first volume of a planned series, will be published in paperback and hardcover by Disney-Hyperion in October.
Plus: Hope Larson Pans to Continue 'All Summer Long'
Posted by Brigid Alverson on June 1, 2018 @ 11:02 am CT