At Gen Con, Iello was showing off 8Bit Box, a "first-generation board game console" that will launch this fall.
8Bit Box "…comes with a console that sort of looks like an old gaming thing that you would play back in the 80s or 90s," Iello General Counsel Kamran Khurshid explained. "It has all of the components you will need to play each of the three games that are included, as well as all upcoming games. All upcoming games will come in a little cartridge that will also then slot into the game."
The first three games that come with the console are Pixoid, Stadium and Outspeed.
Pixoid has a player trying to escape Bugs on a circuit board. Other players are the Bugs, coordinating to catch the Pixoid before it scores victory points. Each round, a new player is the Pixoid. The player with the most victory points at the end wins.
In Stadium, players compete in Trials, and must set the amount of Energy they want to use that round before the game starts. Players compete to win medals in the various Trials. The team with the most medals after 10 events wins.
In Outspeed players use their controller and choose a path for each section of the race by choosing a tile. Players will have to manage their fuel, speed up at the right times, and throw obstacles at their opponents tires to slow them down. Whoever crosses the finish line first wins.
8Bit Box will premiere at Essen, with trade release to follow. MSRP was not announced.
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'8Bit Box'
Posted by Nicole Bunge on August 20, 2018 @ 7:45 pm CT