Dark Horse Comics will release a Disney-fied adaptation of Herman Melville’s classic Moby Dick staring Donald Duck, Scrooge McDuck, and Hewy, Dewy, and Louie.
Adapted by writer Francesco Artibani and artist Paolo Mottura, Disney Moby Dick, starring Donald Duck, reimagines the high seas adventure as an adventure where the white whale Moby Dick has stolen Captain Quackhab’s lucky dime. So Quackhab sets sail on a mission of revenge, accompanied by Ishmael, Mr. Storkbuck, the island triplets (Huqueg, Duqueg, and Luqueg), and his crew. Before they track down the whale, they will have to deal with pirate crows, giant squids, and fearsome storms.
The 80-page hardcover has an MSRP of $10.99. It releases in comic shops on November 21.
In 'Disney Moby Dick Starring Donald Duck'
Posted by Nicole Bunge on August 24, 2018 @ 4:10 pm CT