Simone and Baldeon are behind the popular new Domino ongoing (see “Gail Simone's 'Domino' Effect”). The first trade for the series hit the #10 spot in the top 500 graphic novels sales chart for November (see “Top 500 Graphic Novels--November 2018).

From Gail Simone and David Baldeon
Posted by Betsy Gomez on December 12, 2018 @ 2:56 am CT

Six of Marvel’s deadliest women are teaming up for a very dangerous mission in Domino: Hotshots from Gail Simone (Birds of Prey) and David Baldeon (Spirits of Vengeance). The five-issue miniseries starring Domino, Black Widow, White Fox, Atlas Bear, Outlaw, and Diamondback kicks off in March. R.B. Silva covers Domino: Hotshots #1.