David Menchel has been promoted from Assistant Editor to Associate Editor. Menchel has steadily worked his way up from his start as at Valiant in 2016 as an intern.
Drew Baumgartner is joining the Valiant editorial team in the position of Assistant Editor. Like Menchel, Baumgartner started as an intern, joining Valiant earlier this year. Prior to Valiant, he was Co-Editor-in-Chief for the comics blog Retcon Punch, edited Masks: An Anthology, and worked for educational not-for-profit EXPLO.
Zane Warman has been named Domestic Licensing Coordinator and will work with International Licensing Coordinator Oliver Taylor. Warman has previous editorial experience with The Fader, Paste Magazine, and Billboard.
Robert Meyers was recently promoted to Senior Editorial Director after the departure of Joe Illidge (see “Valiant Promotes Robert Meyers to Senior Editorial Director”) and Matthew Klein was recently named VP of Sales & Marketing (see “Valiant Promotes Matthew Klein to VP of Sales & Marketing”).