Rembert Parker of Reader Copies in North Anderson, Indiana saw the recent discussions of ratings on comic books (see 'Buddy Saunders on Comic Ratings,' 'Sara Gray of Mira Mesa Comic Gallery on Knowing Your Inventory,' and 'Jerry Wall of Atomic Comics on Comic Ratings'), and notes that perhaps ratings on games are also appropriate:


All retailers have probably taken note of the way the television networks are scrambling to cut back on the amount of flesh on prime time after the Super Bowl treated us all to a glimpse of a naked breast, but when the Conan RPG hardcover arrived it showed how totally out of step some companies are with current events: there is a naked female breast on the bottom left-hand side of every pair of pages in the book!  The artwork serves no purpose at all other than to fill up the margins, but it does succeed in preventing me from putting the book on the shelf where customers can browse it for fear that younger kids will see the pictures (or, worse yet, the parents of younger kids).  A simple change to that picture and the removal of one other picture near the back of the book and we could leave it out for all to see.  As it is, sales of the book in our store will cease completely other than to the customers who ordered it (and I worry that some of them may turn down the book when they see the artwork -- I'll probably have to warn them before even showing them the book).


There has been a lot of discussion of rating comic books, but if something as mainstream as Conan needs to be restricted, perhaps we have to start worrying about ratings for game books as well.


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