Valiant Entertainment has announced a brand-new Doctor Mirage series from the creative team of writer Magdalene "Mags" Visaggio (Eternity Girl), artist Nick Robles (Euthanauts), colorist Jordie Bellaire (The Vision), and letterer Dave Sharpe (Harley Quinn)! The first issue is scheduled to be released in August.
How do you solve the case of your own death? Paranormal detective Doctor Shan Fong Mirage had the ability to see and talk to the dead. Except the dead have gone silent, their spirits mysteriously vanished, including Hwen, her deceased husband. Now, Doctor Mirage must face the most challenging question of her life: Is she dead but doesn’t know it?
Click on the Gallery below to see full-sized images of the preview.
From Valiant Entertainment
Posted by ICv2 on May 9, 2019 @ 10:19 pm CT