Chicago Comics had displays and inventory destroyed in an incident on Sunday, the company said in a post on Facebook. "Yesterday was not a good day at Chicago Comics," the company posted on Monday. "Total random weirdness."
The trouble started shortly after the Pride parade, which passed near the store, was canceled due to weather, according to the post. A young woman and three friends rushed into the store asking for help, and were followed by a group of 20+ teenagers, who wrecked displays, threw books at the woman and her friends, and sprayed her with pepper spray. Store employees eventually ejected the attackers from the store and police and ambulance were called for help. The woman was conveyed to a hospital and calm was restored.
Damages were about $2500-$3000, the company told Block Club Chicago.
As Teens Attack Woman in Store
Posted by Milton Griepp on July 3, 2019 @ 11:39 am CT