In another fortuitously timed announcement (see "Marvel Reviving ‘Marvel Zombies’"), Marvel has announced a Crazy one-shot for release in September. Crazy, of course, was a satirical humor magazine published by Marvel from 1973 to 1983, some of the peak hears of competitor Mad Magazine. DC announced that it would be ending new content in Mad and pulling it off the newsstand this fall (see "'Mad Magazine' Ending Most New Material").
The new one-shot will be written by Gerry Dugan, Frank Tieri, Jon Adams, and others; with art by Don Simpson, Scott Koblish, Jon Adams, and more. The cover is by John McCrea, with a variant by David Nakayama and another variant to be announced.
The decision to publish the one-shot was "thanks to a momentary lapse in sanity on the part of a few over-worked editors and a gang of writers and artists ready to take advantage of it," according to the solicitation.
Marvel Plans 'Crazy' One-Shot
Posted by Milton Griepp on July 5, 2019 @ 10:03 am CT