Diamond Select Toys has acquired the licenses for action figures, statues and busts based on characters from the Joss Whedon-created series Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel.  The licenses were originally held by Moore Action Collectibles, but DST's acquisition of the licenses does not mean the end of Moore's association with the properties--Clayburn Moore will still be intimately involved with the creation of the DST 'Buffyverse' items. 


Last fall, Diamond Select Toys signed an agreement with Moore Action Collectibles under which DST was able to facilitate the manufacture, marketing and distribution of MAC figures and statues.  While the quality of the sculpting in the MAC line was excellent, the company lacked the clout and experience to get its products manufactured and distributed on a timely basis.  DST, which has excellent connections in China, stepped in to speed up delivery of MAC products.


A spokesman for Diamond Select Toys told ICv2 that the acquisition of the Buffy/Angel license does not mean that Diamond has acquired Moore Action Collectibles, rather it was a natural outgrowth of DST's work with the company.  Moore will continue to work  with DST on Buffy and other properties.  Diamond Select Toys is now the license holder for both Buffy and Angel, and DST will coordinate all aspects of overall lines. Clayburn Moore will be able to concentrate on sculpting and will help oversee the design of DST Buffy and Angel figures and sculptures.


Although both the Buffy and Angel series have now been cancelled, they are now more available in most markets in syndication than they were on a first run basis.  Since the Buffy series was cancelled last year, Inkworks has continued to issue Buffy the Vampire Slayer trading card releases and they continue to sell out as they always have--these properties appear to be far from finished.