DC Comics will launch a new Suicide Squad ongoing series written by Tom Taylor with art by Bruno Redondo, who worked together on Injustice 2 and Injustice: Gods Among Us, in December, the company announced. The story will feature new members of the team, a new leader who has replaced Amanda Waller, and a new mission to neutralize the Revolutionaries, a group of international super-terrorists. Team members are viewed as replaceable assets, and even the remaining members of the Revolutionaries could join the team.
The A cover is by Ivan Reis and Joe Prado, and a variant cover is by Francesco Mattina. The 40-page first issue, with a $4.99 MSRP, will street December 18.
New characters for the team, from Tom Taylor’s Twitter, below.
By Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo
Posted by Milton Griepp on September 11, 2019 @ 9:50 am CT
"I know, right? Falling to our death. Pretty scary." - Wink.
— Tom Taylor (@TomTaylorMade) September 6, 2019
Soon.#SquadGoalsDC@DCComics @Bruno_Redondo_F pic.twitter.com/u5hsRWO0qD
— Tom Taylor (@TomTaylorMade) September 4, 2019
Soon.#SquadGoalsDC @DCComics @Bruno_Redondo_F pic.twitter.com/gGJbOQd97g