Dynamite Entertainment will launch a new series featuring The Boys, written by co-creator Garth Ennis with art by Russ Braun and covers by co-creator Darick Robertson, in April. This will put the new comic series launch before the return of the successful Amazon Prime series based on the comics (see “’The Boys’ S2 Teaser”).
The new comic series, titled Dear Becky, will open 12 years after the finale of the original 90-issue run, then use a flashback structure to flesh out the pre-history of The Boys.
"Originally I never intended to do more with The Boys at all, but for obvious reasons I’ve found myself thinking about the story and characters again over the past couple of years," Ennis said of Dear Becky. "There was one aspect of the original story, and one character in particular, that I never felt got a fair shake- Becky Butcher, whose demise motivates her husband Billy to do the terrible things he does, but who only actually appears in two issues of the original book. I liked writing Becky very much, almost as much as Butcher himself, and I wanted to look in greater detail at how her relatively brief appearance cast such a long shadow."
Dynamite is planning a poster to promote the new series. Omnibus collections of the original series have sold 150,000 copies (see “Interview with Nick Barrucci, Part 2”).
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New Story by Garth Ennis and Russ Braun, Covers by Darick Robertson
Posted by Milton Griepp on January 23, 2020 @ 1:00 pm CT