Churchill: A Graphic Biography GN
Publisher: Dead Reckoning
Release Date: April 15, 2020
Price: $19.95
Creator(s): Vincent Delmas (author); Christophe Regnault & Alessio Cammardella, (artists)
Format: 120 pgs., Full-Color, 9"x12", Trade Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-6824-7528-7
Age Rating: N/A
ICv2 Rating: 4.5 Stars out of 5
Winston Churchill is an important part of 20th century history, and yet his life and career are not well-known on this side of the Atlantic. Most people will know the iconic image of him and his cigar in front of a microphone during World War II, and at least some will know parts of one of his iconic speeches, but the rest… like the recent film about his life, this attempts to explain the man who helped alter the course of history by his refusals to back down to adversity or enemies, such as that Hitler fellow.
It may seem odd that a man who is the epitome of British history should have his story told by a French writer and his artist companions, but the book has a text piece written by a British historian, so that apparently makes up for it. The anti-DeGaulle tone of some of the book is quite interesting.
This biography includes some of the awkward parts of Churchill’s family history, such as why his father’s health collapsed at the age of 45, and perhaps why said father was more than a bit harsh to his son, but this also helps to explain the shaping of a personality unwilling to quit.
The artwork is very good, in a traditional comic book style, and helps tell the story cleanly, whether personal, political or military. Since Churchill was involved in three of England’s wars, making the transitions between these things is important.
The author chose to end this book at the high point of Churchill’s career, so those interested in the political sequel will have to look elsewhere, but the book is an excellent overview of the highlights of a life and career. For history buffs, it includes the interactions with Roosevelt, Stalin and DeGaulle that shaped World War II and its Cold War aftermath.
This book is best suited for adults and older teens, with at least some knowledge of World Wars I and II.
--Nick Smith: Library Technician, Community Services, for the Pasadena Public Library in California.

ICv2 Stars: 4.5 (out of 5)
Posted by Nick Smith on February 21, 2020 @ 5:15 am CT