David Erwin
Heavy Metal has named David Erwin as its new publisher, continuing a management overhaul that began with a change in ownership last December.  Erwin was formerly Creative Lead on Hasbro’s Transformers franchise, and spent 16 years ending in 2011 at DC Comics, where he was Executive Creative Director.

"[W]e’ll continue to be a prime source of inspiration by continuing to deliver our brand promise of great stories and art, as well as maintaining its rock-n-roll attitude of making your parents a bit uncomfortable," Erwin said of his new role.

Matthew Medney
Heavy Metal was sold in December, with Jeff Krelitz and David Boxenbaum, who took over in 2015 (see "Heavy Metal To Base Its Comic Book Line in Portland"), exiting the company, and Matthew Medney named as the new CEO.  Medney is also founder and CEO of Hero Projects, which creates stories as brand extensions for music artists and venues.