Death to Army of Darkness #2
Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: March 11, 2020
Cover Price: $3.99
Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Jacob Edgar
Cover(s): Ben Oliver (A), Sergio Davila (B), Mirka Andolfo (C), Juan Gedeon "Zombie" Variant (D)
Format: 32 pgs., Full-Color
Rating: Teen+
Publisher Description: Look. Life’s hard enough when you’re Ash. You’ve gotta go to work, pay the bills, fight demons, save the world from Hell, etc etc. But when some sorta weird-ass magic splits you into a woman, a demon, a skeleton, a dog and a sentient chainsaw... it’s enough to make a grown man cry.
(...Unless you’re Ash. In which case, you’re too cool to cry.)
Behold the wonderment by Ryan Parrott (TMNT/Power Rangers) and Jacob Edgar (James Bond)!
Description of preview: 9 total pages (4 covers and 5 interior pages).

From Dynamite Entertainment
Posted by ICv2 on March 6, 2020 @ 3:44 pm CT