Simon & Schuster is continuing to receive new VIZ Media manga and other book titles from printers and shipping them to accounts including book chains and online retailers, a VIZ Media spokesperson told ICv2.
"Each day we continue to monitor COVID-19, and follow all guidelines local and federal governments have advised to help protect communities," the spokesperson said. "Currently, the trade book publishing industry has not made changes to the production and new releases schedule that has impacted VIZ and our plans however, we are working closely with our partners, customers, and suppliers at this time and will continue to be guided as advised by local and federal governments."
VIZ’s release schedule is unchanged for now.
Distribution of new manga and graphic novel titles to comic stores by Diamond shut down this week (see “Diamond Halting Distribution of New Product”), although book channel distribution by Simon & Schuster and Ingram (see “World According to Griepp: Thoughts on the Current Storm”) continues.

Via Simon & Schuster
Posted by Milton Griepp on March 27, 2020 @ 12:56 am CT