The organizers of Heroes Convention, Shelton Drum’s Heroes Aren’t Hard To Find comic store, cited the unlikelihood of large gatherings being permitted by mid-June and problems getting ready for the show over the past months while the store has been closed and operations disrupted. The show is rolling over all deposits and tickets to the 2021 show, with refunds not available "until the country, and our store, have reopened and finances have stabilized," the organizers said in a statement announcing the cancellation.
Meanwhile MegaCon, which was originally scheduled to take place April 14-16 with the Diamond Retailer Summit alongside (see "Diamond Aligns Retailer Summit with Fan Expo HQ’s MegaCon"), was postponed to June 4-7 and is still slated to be staged on those dates. The show is operated by Fan Expo HQ, a division of U.K.-based events and publishing giant Informa, which also organizes Fan Expo Dallas, Fan Expo Canada, Calgary Expo, Edmonton Expo, and Fan Expo Vancouver. Scheduled guests for MegaCon include Jim Lee, George Perez, Adam Kubert, George Takei, Alicia Silverstone, and many others.
Florida began lifting its statewide stay-at-home order on May 4, allowing for local orders such as the one governing Orange County, in which Orlando is located, to remain in place.

As MegaCon Orlando Still Scheduled One Month Away
Posted by Milton Griepp on May 5, 2020 @ 4:52 am CT