Publisher Services Inc. has reduced the roster of hobby game distributors to which it sells products from its client publishers. The new roster of distributors is ACD Distribution, Alliance Game Distributors, and Peachstate Hobby Distribution. Absent from the list are former PSI customers GTS Distribution and Southern Hobby Supply.
PSI did not respond to our request for information on any other distributors affected by the change or the reason for the change in time for publication. Neither GTS Distribution nor Southern Hobby responded to our request for comment in time for publication.
PSI represents around fifty game companies to the hobby trade, including Arcane Wonders, Bezier, Catalyst, Cubicle 7, Fireside, Floodgate, Greenbrier, Indie Boards & Cards, Mondo Games, Monte Cook Games, Osprey, Restoration Games, and Steve Jackson.

To Three Distributors
Posted by Milton Griepp on June 24, 2020 @ 3:05 am CT