The April 16 issue of Entertainment Weekly provides quite a bit of comic book coverage including a review of Dave Sim's Cerebus #300 by Rachel Lovinger, an appreciation of Jules Feiffer's Tantrum by Neil Gaiman, and short capsule reviews of a number of key upcoming releases including Touch, Daredevil: Father, Dawn of the Dead, and The Complete Peanuts. Lovinger gives Dave Sim an 'A-' for the final issue of Cerebus, a series she finds 'by turns brilliant, sanctimonious, hilarious, insightful, and offensive, and she bestows a 'B+' on Nicolas Mahler for his humorous graphic novel, Van Helsing's Night Off (published by Top Shelf), which she characterizes as the perfect antidote to the amped-up, steroid-enhanced modern Hollywood horror films. Reviewer Tom Sinclair waxes poetic about CrossGen's Abadazad, and Ken Tucker admires Andy Diggle's new take on Swamp Thing enough to give it an 'A-,' but Neil Gaiman provides the biggest rave in a short piece on Jules Feiffer's Tantrum, published by Fantagraphics, which Gaiman calls 'My all-time favorite graphic novel.'