Dark Horse Comics will launch a new six-issue Resident Alien series on November 11, the company announced. The new series, written by Peter Hogan with art by Steve Parkhouse, is timed with the new Syfy TV show "due to hit the small screen, " according to the announcement (premiere date has not been announced). The Syfy series, starring Alan Tudyk, shot in Vancouver early this year (see "ICv2 Interview: Dark Horse CEO Mike Richardson, Part 1").
In Resident Alien: Your Ride’s Here, Harry has to figure out what to do with Honey, who sees him in his true alien form, and how to handle his feelings toward his best friend Asta, as he continues his life as an alien stranded in Patience, USA, and pretending to be a human doctor.
Dark Horse Comics released an omnibus collection of the first three graphic novels this month (see "Dark Horse Omnibizes ‘Resident Alien’").
With TV Show Coming
Posted by Milton Griepp on August 20, 2020 @ 4:01 am CT