Del Rey's movie books offer retailers another way to tie in to the upcoming summer blockbusters (see 'ICv2 Retailer Calendar'). The Catwoman novel, which will be on sale the first week of June, is by the critically acclaimed science fiction author Elizabeth Hand, and features a cover of the photogenic Ms. Barry.
Del Rey's Chronicles of Riddick novel, by Alan Dean Foster, streets April 27th. Foster spent time on the set with director David Twohy and star Vin Diesel in preparation for writing the novel.
Del Rey has two Spider-Man books, both streeting May 25th, which will give retailers about six weeks to sell them before the movie releases. The official Spider-Man 2 novel is by comics super-scribe Peter David, and Mark Cotta Vaz penned Caught in the Web, the behind-the-scenes art book based on Spider-Man 2.