Writer Richard Lupoff passed away last week; he was 85. We were most familiar with Lupoff as the co-author, with Don Thompson, of two very early, and for a long time the only, histories of U.S. comics: All in Color for a Dime, and The Comic Book Book, both published in the early 70s. He won a Hugo in 1963 for his science fiction fanzine Xero, which included contributions from James Blish, Lin Carter, L. Sprague de Camp, Roger Ebert, Harlan Ellison, Roy Krenkel, Frederik Pohl, and many others. He was an accomplished novelist, and wrote over 50 books, including Sword of the Demon, which was nominated for a 1977 Nebula Award.
Writer Neil Gaiman wrote of Lupoff on Twitter, "The only time we met I told him how much I loved his novel Into the Aether. Years later I wrote an introduction to the comic that preceded it, The Adventures of Professor Thintwhistle. I’m so sorry he’s gone."
Comics Historian, Pioneer of Science Fiction Fandom, Science Fiction Author
Posted by Milton Griepp on October 29, 2020 @ 1:50 am CT