Marvel Comics announced Heroes Reborn #1, a new alternate timeline comic book series, for release in May.
This bold new comic book series poses the question of "What would the MCU be like if The Avengers never assembled?" This alternate timeline, where Blade is somehow the only hero that remembers how the MCU was with The Avengers, features a new team of superheroes that step up to fill the crime-fighting void. They are called the Squadron Supreme of America, and they battle enemies like Dr. Juggernaut, the Black Skull, the Silver Witch, and Thanos that has Infinity Rings.
The story is penned by Jason Aaron with art by Ed McGuiness. Aaron commented on the series:
"(This) Maybe the wildest story I've ever put on paper," said Aaron. "I got to cut loose on this and release my inner comic-reared child in a really profound way, and together with a cadre of immensely imaginative artists, we built a world that I'm pretty confident in saying is quite unlike any version of the Marvel Universe you've seen before."
Marvel also released Heroes Reborn teaser images (see "Preview: 'Heroes Reborn' Teasers ").
Click on Gallery below for full-size images!

'Heroes Reborn' #1 Begins an Alternate Timeline Series Written by Jason Aaron with Art by Ed McGuiness
Posted by Jeffrey Dohm-Sanchez on January 25, 2021 @ 11:01 am CT