Paying homage to famous art movements in history, these Fine Arts variant covers bring the world of Black Panther to life in unique depictions that highlight exactly why these eight artists represent the next generation of comic book excellence! With each artist inspired by a different style, the results are unlike any variant cover collection Marvel Comics has ever put out.
- Natacha Bustos: Art Brut-African
- Juann Cabal: Flemish Renaissance
- Carmen Carnero: Art Nouveau
- Joshua Cassara: Byzantine
- Iban Coello: Art Deco
- Patrick Gleason: Minimalism
- Peach Momoko: Nihonga
- R.B. Silva: Pop Art
Be sure to collect all eight when Black Panther #25 hits comic book stores on April 28th.
- Black Panther #25 Stormbreakers Variant Cover by Natacha Bustos (FEB210529)
- Black Panther #25 Stormbreakers Variant Cover by Juann Cabal (FEB 210530)
- Black Panther #25 Stormbreakers Variant Cover by Carmen Carnero (FEB 210531)
- Black Panther #25 Stormbreakers Variant Cover by Joshua Cassara (FEB 210532)
- Black Panther #25 Stormbreakers Variant Cover by Iban Coello (FEB 210533)
- Black Panther #25 Stormbreakers Variant Cover by Patrick Gleason (FEB 210534)
- Black Panther #25 Stormbreakers Variant Cover by Peach Momoko (FEB 210535)
Click on Gallery below to see full-sized images.