Paizo has selected an exclusive retailer to represent its products on the exhibit floor at Gen Con, since it will not operate its usual mammoth booth at the front of the hall this year (see "Paizo Will Not Appear at Gen Con 2021"). Online retailer Troll and Toad, which typically operates a large booth of its own at Gen Con, will represent the line, offering the full range of Paizo products with a free-with-purchase gift with minimum purchase.
"We have carried a large selection of Paizo products historically so felt it was a natural fit to help out," Troll and Toad President Shawn Gambel said of the move.
Paizo President Jeff Alvarez reassured attendees that Paizo’s new releases, normally a big draw to their booth, would be represented. "They will be offering a broad selection of our Pathfinder and Starfinder products, including all of our new releases," he said.

For Exhibit Floor Representation
Posted by Milton Griepp on June 24, 2021 @ 2:42 am CT