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With Covers by J. Scott Campbell, Peach Momoko, Nabetse Zitro, and Others
Posted by Brigid Alverson on October 25, 2021 @ 7:15 pm CT

Felicia Hardy, a.k.a. Black Cat, has been kidnapped, and the only person who can rescue her is Mary Jane Watson. That’s the premise of Mary Jane & Black Cat: Beyond #1, a one-shot comic coming from Marvel early next year that puts the two women, who have an uneasy relationship to begin with, into a situation where all may not be as it seems. The creative team is writer Jed MacKay and artist C.F. Villa, and the issue will have a main cover by J. Scott Campbell and variant covers by Peach Momoko, Nabetse Zitro, Humberto Ramos, Adam Hughes, C.F. Villa, and Phil Jimenez, as well as a Stormbreakers variant by an artist to be announced. The 48-page comic is scheduled for January 19, 2022, with an MSRP of $4.99.