DC will launch The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country, a new ongoing Black Label series written by James Tynion IV, in April. The new series features one of Dream’s greatest nightmares, The Corinthian, released to face another nightmare, one that Dream did not make, walking America. Mr. Agony and Mr. Ecstasy, new characters to the Sandman Universe, will be introduced in the series.
Art is by Lisandro Estherren (Redneck). Each issue will feature a side story by a different artist; Yanick Paquette is that artist for the first issue.
Cover is by Reiko Murakami, with a Yanick Paquette variant, a 1:25 variant by Kelley Jones, a 1:50 variant by Alvaro Martinez Bueno, and a 1:100 variant by Jenny Frison. The 32-page comic, which will street on April 12, will retail for $3.99 in the regular edition and $4.99 for the variant editions.