Sponsored. Since 2012, Roye Okupe has been building a universe of superheroes that spans centuries centered around African stories, crafted by African creators. Originally announced in January 2021, Dark Horse Comics is thrilled to partner with Okupe and YouNeek Studios, welcoming the YouNeek graphic novels into its’ publishing line.
Dark Horse has begun publishing the entire line of previously self-published stories, now including never-before-seen bonus material, starting with Malika: Warrior Queen, Iyanu: Child of Wonder, and E.X.O: The Legend of Wale Williams, and continue onward into new and never-before-seen stories such as WindMaker (see also "Preview: 'WindMaker' Vol. 1 TP").
"What we are trying to do is create a compelling and immersive universe with our own twist. The YouNeek YouNiverse is a massive, interconnected universe of sci-fi, fantasy and superhero content spread across multiple timelines with stories told from an African perspective." Roye Okupe stated.
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Original Stories from YouNeek Studios and Dark Horse
Posted by Sponsor on February 24, 2022 @ 2:59 am CT