This new hardcover book collects the first seven adventures for DCC RPG into one volume. The approximately 176-page book will include "Doom of the Savage Kings"; "Sailors on the Starless Sea" with bonus The Summoning Pits level; "The People of the Pit" with the bonus content The Assassins of the Pit; "The Emerald Enchanter" and the mini-sequel "The Emerald Enchanter Strikes Back"; "The Jewels of the Carnifex"; "The 13th Skull"; and "Beyond the Black Gate." It will also have a new cover painting by Doug Kovacs and select pieces of new interior art.
As of the publication of this article, the Indiegogo campaign has taken in $7,536 with 157 backers ($48 per backer). The perk featuring the print version of the Tome of Adventure Vol.1 is $40. This product is expected to deliver by October 2022.
Goodman Games recently released Judges Guild Deluxe Collector's Edition Vol. 2, an RPG collection (see "Goodman Games Will Bring 'Judges Guild Deluxe Collector's Edition Vol. 2' to Trade").