D.P. 'Vern' Vernazzarro, one of the organizers of a drive to create a new organization that would further the interests of both comic and games retailers, told ICv2 that he is pleased with early reactions to his efforts. Vernazzarro, who runs the Game Industry Forum website and Robert Scott, who heads up the Comic Book Industry Alliance are spearheading the movement on their retailer forums on Delphi.com (see 'Comics & Games Retailers Talk'). Vern told ICv2 that any comic or game retailer who is interested in creating and joining the proposed cross-category retail organization is urged to e-mail him at gameforum@hotmail.com . In their conversations with ICv2 both Vernazzarro and Scott stressed that though they have a vision of a broadly-based retailer organization with low fees, they are merely 'facilitators,' not dictators. They want a democratic organization that will set up its own bylaws and goals in a democratic process.
Though he has had considerable experience in the comics industry, Vernazzarro has spent the majority of his time in recent years in the gaming industry. He headed up the Games Retailer Division (GRD) of the Game Manufacturer's Association (GAMA), and still presides over the Game Industry Forum website. Although retailers can join GAMA and serve as officers, the organization does not have a one man/one vote system and remains at its core a manufacturer's association (see 'GAMA Membership Dispute Continues'). So with no exclusive organization for game retailers, and the lack of any active retailer organization on the comic side as well, there is both the need and the opportunity to create an association that will work for the betterment of both comic and game retailers.