Jason Bardyla of Happy Harbor Comics & Toys in Alberta and British Columbia saw the recent news on sideways sales of DVDs (see 'Independent Retailers Buying Sideways Skew Numbers'), Image's re-solicitation of the Spawn titles (see 'Spawn To Be Re-Solicited'), Marvel's cash hoard (see 'Marvel Pays off $150 Million') and Mike Boze's reaction, (see 'Mike Boze of HawgHead on Marvel Cash Hoard') and has this reaction:


Man, after a bit of a dry spell, recent articles have stirred up some 'new' topics of discussion for us retailers.


DVD sales are skewed due to sideway sales!  Our store has long held the position not to stock DVD's and we advise any customer who tries to buy DVD's from us that they should look at the big boys so they can get their items on the release date and at a reasonable price.  We happily order anime since it's not easily accessible but that's a principle we carry with most product lines - we try to carry what others don't.


Image listens!  So, the squeaky wheel finally gets some oil and Spawn has been re-solicited.  Now, if it would just become a interesting title again...


Marvel has money!  And as Mike Boze stated, it would be nice to see them start overprinting but I have an even better idea.  Why don't they do something to attract new readers like, say, lower some cover prices and help stimulate the industry.  Just a thought since most people are not keen on spending over $4 (Canadian) for a comic when minimum wage is $7 an hour.


I find it hard to take to task any company, chain or retailer for any of their methods of operating.  They do what is generally in the best interest for them and that's not much different than what I do.  I order what I think I can sell at the prices to keep my business in operation and, hopefully, profitable.  Some customers tell me my prices are out of whack; most say they are quite pleased with what I offer.  In the end, I adapt to my environment.  Diamond offers what they offer and experience has taught me what to avoid.  Since there are so few alternatives I do the best I can with what I have available to me.  I know (generally) what Wal-Mart carries and I order accordingly.  Pretty much everything is a gamble and ordering requires constant adapting but from the articles I've referenced above, we are adapting, we are being heard about the things that are really wrong and we are getting healthier.


Now, if could just go back and time and have that vote again on when FCBD should be...


The opinions expressed in this Talk Back article are solely those of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial staff of ICv2.com.