Mike Savage of Read More Comics in Tampa, Florida saw Donald Riordan's Talk Back on Marvel subscription ads (see 'Donald Riordan of Future Dreams on Marvel Sub Ads') and added his voice:


In response to the matter of Marvel's new subscription campaign, I would like to add my store's viewpoint.  Over the years I have had a bone or two to pick over competing with publisher's direct sales.  Marvel isn't the only one to do it.


All of that aside, Marvel's go at it is a slap in the face to retailers.  Maybe putting a tag line with, 'Or find these exciting titles at a comic shop near you,' with the locator number would direct the potential readers into the specialty shops.  Shops that stuck it out in the 90s when publishers like Marvel weren't helping.


As well, Marvel.com now has a store where merchandise, including some hard-to-get action figures are for sale at competitive prices.  Again, why do I have to compete with a publisher?  This shows the large gap in communication between retailers and large publishing houses like Marvel.  Medium size 'brick and mortar' stores are just left to deal with this.  The only way you will ever be heard on issues like this is if you are in the 59% or higher discount bracket.


We have had Marvel subscribers drop that option due to lateness of books and poor shipping and handling of the titles, so it won't last long for collectors.  Although, for those of us who offer mail order, we can't compete with 50% off.


The opinions expressed in this Talk Back article are solely those of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial staff of ICv2.com.