Image Comics has announced the October release of The Wicked West, a new graphic novel written by Todd Livingston and Robert Tinnell and illustrated by Neil Vokes, the same trio responsible for The Black Forest graphic novel, which Image published this April and which has sold out its first edition. The hero of The Wicked West migrates to a small west Texas frontier town, which then comes under attack from hordes of vampires. Co-writer Todd Livingston described The Wicked West as 'the Outlaw Josey Wales riding into Salem's Lot.'
Livingston's co-writer, Robert Tinnell stated that the creator's 'goal with The Wicked West is a continuation of our efforts on The Black Forest. Namely to deliver a quality book for a reasonable price.' To that end Image is publishing the 96-page full color The Wicked West graphic novel with a very reasonable cover price of just $9.95. The Wicked West will be listed in the August issue of Diamond's Previews catalog and will ship to retailers in October.
ReelArt Studios has announced a line of busts based on characters from Livingston, Tinnell and Vokes' The Black Forest graphic novel.